How Fasting Can Radically Change Your Life Forever

Fasting and praying on a regular basis can be a life-changing experience. (Lightstock)

What if one simple act—one singular dedicated effort or sacrifice—could better your life, your soul forever? What if that sacrifice took just an hour or two or even an entire day?

Would you do it? Would you consider it worth it?

What if that very sacrifice could sharpen your focus, open your heart and move the hand of God in others and your own life?

If what I asked has peaked your interest, know that I inquire because I have the answers to these questions based on personal experience. What I have to share has the ability to better your life forever once you make the choice to take the adventure.

Twelve years ago, my friend Wendy and I felt prompted to journey down the road of fasting and prayer together. But why would two average women who love to talk and do typical "girl" stuff, and who also really love food, want to give it up for any period of time? God whispered in the inner places of our being to draw closer to Him in a new way.

Suddenly, we didn't want the status quo anymore. We believed and we studied, but in the hidden parts of our heart, we knew there was more. We wanted to engage in the spiritual realm on a deeper level, one we had not yet experienced. We wanted more … so much more.

So, one day a week, from Monday night after our family dinners to Tuesday night before family dinner, we would fast and pray. We were ready for powerful changes, amazing answers to our requests and nothing short of miracles. What we got was instruction and a thorough look into the condition of our soul.

It was hard, to see what still existed in the corners of our minds and the recesses of our hearts. We found the thoughts, the unforgiveness, and the resistance to righteousness still alive and well. Big and little wrongs, judgments and critical spirits. Excessive self-awareness in danger of becoming narcissistic, fear, striving.

However, we were not bombarded with this all at once. Our God is very gentle, very kind. Yet, He is truth and truth was what He intended to show us.

Did He show us our shortcomings to condemn us? Never! He showed us this to better us, to mature us, and to prepare us to come before Him with those sincere, heartfelt requests we desired to have answers to. Yes, and He was, as Scripture puts it, "doing a good work in us."

When we fasted and prayed, our senses were heightened. We focused on getting alone in our own special designated locations to get quiet, to listen and speak once we had been spoken to. On occasion we would speak first, but that was usually to worship and confess anything that had been revealed by our loving Lord. This spiritual discipline tuned our ears to hear the voice of God so that He could meticulously take the sin, the baggage, the past hurts and present trepidations and give us the peace of His presence. We allowed Him control and, as we relinquished our very lives to Him, He would work His good and perfect will in us to much greater and richer places only found through Him.

As time went on, we grew quickly. No longer did we dread the hours we couldn't eat, nor did we binge the night before just so we were sure we had a reserve to live from.

Instead of hungering for food, we hungered for time alone with God, looking forward to His gentle correction and His drawing near to us in a way that filled us with peace, joy, hope and purpose. We were energized and eager to know more about Him, more about us and use what we learned to help encourage others to do the same.

In both of us, God strengthened our faith for the tough times. This was valuable during times of job loss, illness and relationship issues. Sometimes life's pain can cut so sharply you can't find the words to pray. That's when your fasting friend can intercede for you, giving you peace that your concerns—if not from you own mouth—still reach God's throne with the same intensity. The weighty value these prayers carry for a hurting heart provides hope; the hope that eliminates stress that could lead to irreparable health damage. 

Our book, Fast Friends, The Amazing Power of Friendship, Fasting and Prayer, releases October 1. It is our chosen path, ordained by God and it has forever altered our very existence.

Our lives don't look the same as before. We see people differently; we see life differently. We have new aspirations, new leading and guidance, new eyes with which to see ourselves and the future. It's all because a God who loves us more than we could ever comprehend planted a seed of desire to draw closer to Him. Fasting and prayer was the tool, finely fashioned by the hand of God, and the plan, lived out in the Bible by many of the faithful, for us to follow.

We received answers. Some were yes, some were no and some told us to wait. Some spared us and our loved ones from pain and sorrow of which we are not aware. Some answers are yet to come because God's timing is not ours.

One answer that comes quickly to mind concerns Wendy's daughter, Sydney, who was born with cerebral palsy. When Sydney was 4-years-old, the doctors estimated she would need multiple surgeries until her growing ceased. As we fasted and prayed that God would overrule that diagnosis, Sydney continued to grow. Today, she is 14 and surgery hasn't been required.

Fasting and prayer is a lifestyle. God willing, we will continue to fast and pray together until our time is done.

And that "so much more" we were seeking? It has exceeded our hopes and dreams and manifested in ways we would never have fathomed. If God could empower Wendy and me to live this way, He can do the same for you.

Will you join us and dare to live life in the spiritual realm, where you will meet with and know God in ways that you never thought possible? Will you dare to become everything God wants you to be in order to truly know Him? We can promise you will never regret it.

We were made in God's image and created for more than what this world has to offer, and so were you.

Suzanne Niles is the co-author of the new book Fast Friends, The Amazing Power of Friendship, Fasting and Prayer. Find out more at

Top 12 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods

by Dr. Josh Axe. What you need to know about cholesterol and the foods that can keep it in check (photo, ECWA Archive).
Cholesterol is often one of the most misunderstood aspects of heart health. For many people, a cholesterol-lowering diet brings to mind low-fat meals that lack flavor. However, as you’ll come to see, this couldn’t be further from the truth!
When it comes to lowering high cholesterol naturally, strictly avoiding all fats is not the answer. Even totally avoiding foods that contain cholesterol itself (like eggs or cheese) isn’t necessary the solution. It’s all about moderation and balance—eating a combination of nutrient-dense foods that fight inflammation and tackle the root of the problem.
You’ll be happy to know that cholesterol-lowering foods include all sorts of great-tasting fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, lean meats, and plenty of healthy sources of fat.
What causes high cholesterol?
First and foremost, it's necessary to clear up common misconceptions about what causes high cholesterol in the first place. For several decades, a widely held belief has been that dietary cholesterol is associated with an increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). This led government-mandated dietary recommendations to limit cholesterol intake to no more than 300 milligrams per day for healthy adults. However, based on recent evidence, there are some serious challenges regarding the cholesterol limit—leading to discussions about revising the national recommendation.
While factors like genetics, inactivity, diabetes, stress, and hypothyroidism can all impact cholesterol levels, a poor diet is the number one cause for high cholesterol. Unfortunately, the standard American or Western diet is highly inflammatory, which elevates LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL (good cholesterol) in most cases—the opposite of what we want.
How exactly does inflammation cause cholesterol levels to rise?
Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance that is present in all of us and crucial for survival. It’s made by the liver and required by the body for the proper functioning of cells, nerves, and hormones. Cholesterol in our body is present in the form of fatty acids (lipids) that travel through the bloodstream. These particles normally don’t build up in the walls of the arteries, but when inflammation levels go up, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) builds up in the arteries and dangerously forms plaque clots, cutting off blood flow and setting the scene for a heart attack or stroke.
Cholesterol itself wouldn’t be nearly as dangerous without inflammation. Inflammation is the primary cause of atherosclerosis, the hardening of arteries that accompanies plaque deposits, which produces even more inflammation. Inflammation is at the root of most diseases, and heart disease is no exception.
While we used to think that high-fat diets led to high cholesterol levels, we now know that only certain people have problems properly metabolizing cholesterol (which might increase plasma LDL cholesterol levels). Countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Korea, India, and those in Europe don’t include a dietary cholesterol limit in their guidelines. And for good reason—strong evidence demonstrates that dietary cholesterol is not correlated with an increased risk for heart disease in most cases.
Aside from these certain individuals who are more sensitive to dietary cholesterol, it’s estimated that about three-quarters of the population can remain totally healthy while eating more than 300 milligrams per day of cholesterol. In fact, eating plenty of healthy fats will raise HDL cholesterol, the “good kind,” and increase the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio, which are two key markers of general health.
Patients at an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases might need to limit their intake of cholesterol and saturated fats, but everyone else is better off focusing on limiting their intake of processed, packaged junk! Data shows that the impact of lowering dietary cholesterol is small compared to adjusting other important dietary and lifestyle factors.
What do all cholesterol-lowering foods have in common?
There’s no shortage of diet plans available online and in bookstores that promise the ability to lower cholesterol. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC), for example, is a three-part plan that attempts to lower high cholesterol by focusing on a lower-fat diet coupled with exercise and weight control. Creators of TLC report that following this plan can lower LDL cholesterol by 20 to 30 percent. The DASH Diet, low in sodium and saturated fat, is another option that’s endorsed by the American Heart Association and proven to lower high blood pressure.
What foods do most cholesterol-lowering diets make you say good-bye to, and what can stay?
For starters, foods with trans fats and hydrogenated oils are the opposite of cholesterol-lowering foods and definitely need to stay off the table. Many plans also recommend avoiding foods with saturated fats, however this isn’t always necessary for everyone if the foods are natural and high quality, as explained above. In their place, monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) are recommended. These include foods like benefit-rich avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.
Aside from switching up your fat sources, one of the key elements to fighting high cholesterol is eating plenty of high-fiber foods. Fiber is found in all types of whole foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Where is fiber missing? In processed foods that are refined and full of sugar—including most breakfast cereals, pastries, breads, rolls, pasta, cookies, and granola bars.
When it comes to protein sources, “lean” is usually the name of the game. Healthy lean proteins include pasture-raised poultry like turkey or chicken, fish and other seafood, beans, and, yes, even eggs. While I’m not a fan myself, the DASH Diet and TLC both promote low-fat milk products, including yogurt and reduced-fat cheeses. For the average person, it’s also perfectly healthy to eat grass-fed animal products as part of an otherwise balanced diet, including beef and lamb.
This way of eating is closely related to the Mediterranean Diet—one of the most highly recommended dietary plans that doctors prescribe to their high-cholesterol patients. People in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean region rely heavily on eating what’s sourced and grown locally, rather than packaged foods that are full of refined vegetable oils, sugar, sodium, and artificial ingredients.
Historically, levels of heart disease are much lower in countries other than in the U.S., despite the fact that most people still eat a substantial amount of fat. Because of the diversity, flexibility, and adaptable approach to this style of eating, it’s easy to begin and to stick with. Also, the food tastes great!
Foods to Avoid for High Cholesterol
The key to lowering heart disease risk factors, including high cholesterol, is reducing inflammation. Inflammatory foods include:
  • packaged foods of all kinds
  • sugar
  • refined grain products
  • processed vegetable oils
  • conventional dairy products (nonorganic, homogenized, and pasteurized)
  • farm-raised animal products
  • too much caffeine or alcohol
As mentioned above, fiber and antioxidants are crucial to keeping arteries clear and healthy. Increased intake of dietary fiber is associated with significantly lower prevalence of cardiovascular disease and lower LDL-cholesterol concentrations. Research also shows that some specific compounds found in plant foods, including plant sterol/stanol and isoflavones, can help reduce cholesterol levels. Most processed foods are extremely low in both—and the kinds that do have fiber or antioxidants normally contain synthetic, added types.
Poor quality animal products are highly inflammatory, as are toxic oils that are made using chemicals and solvents. Alcohol, sugar, and caffeine are all stimulants that the liver can use to produce more cholesterol, increasing levels of inflammation. While these can be okay in small doses (such as 1 to 2 cups of coffee or a glass of red wine per day), overdoing it can counteract any cardioprotective benefits these ingredients might normally have.
Top 12 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods
1. Vegetables (Especially Greens!)
No doubt about it, nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory vegetables are one of the most high-antioxidant foods. Loaded with phytochemicals that fight free radical damage, they slow down the aging process and keep arteries flexible and healthy. Many dark leafy greens, like spinach and kale, contain very few calories but offer protection against heart attacks by helping artery walls stay clear of cholesterol buildup. While nearly every type is a good choice, vegetables—including benefit-rich beets, onions, cabbage, broccoli, and artichokes—are especially useful for upping your fiber intake and protecting heart health.
2. Nuts
Nuts of all kinds make a good source of healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. They also provide a decent amount of fiber. Certain nuts including almonds specifically supply antioxidant flavonoids, plant-based compounds that improve artery health and reduce inflammation. Studies show nuts have a consistent “bad” LDL cholesterol-lowering effect, especially in individuals with high cholesterol and diabetes. They can help prevent damage forming within artery walls and protect against dangerous cholesterol plaque buildup, in addition to fighting weight gain and obesity.
3. Chia Seeds and Flaxseeds
Flaxseed benefits extend to being the richest source of the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). They also rank number one in terms of providing hormone-balancing lignans. Both chia and flaxseeds are extremely high in soluble and insoluble fiber, which can support detoxification and gut health and help with weight loss.
The soluble fiber content helps trap fat and cholesterol in the digestive system so that it is unable to be absorbed. Bile is then excreted through the digestive system, forcing the body to make more, using up excess cholesterol in the blood and lowering cholesterol overall. Use some seeds on your oatmeal, yogurt, in baked goods, or blended into smoothies.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil benefits include being another anti-inflammatory ingredient that’s full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which lower LDL cholesterol. Use extra virgin olive oil to make homemade salad dressings, add some to sauces, or use it as a flavor-boosting ingredient for stir-fries or marinades.
5. Avocados
Avocados are one of the world’s greatest sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, the type that can help raise HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL. Avocados also contain high levels of soluble fiber and stabilize blood sugar levels, in addition to supplying anti-inflammatory phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione, and lutein. Besides making guacamole, get creative with these avocado recipes and add it to smoothies, salads, eggs, or even desserts.
6. Salmon
As one of the world’s best sources of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, the nutrition of salmon is also valuable because it’s linked to lower rates of heart disease, cognitive disorders, depression, and many other conditions. Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish like sardines, mackerel, and herring. All can help raise good cholesterol while also supporting a healthy weight and better brain function.
7. Gluten-Free Whole Grains
One hundred percent whole grains are tied to better heart health, mostly because they are a great source of fiber. However, because gluten is a common sensitivity and can promote inflammation, I recommend focusing on gluten-free grains like quinoa, rolled oats, buckwheat, and amaranth. These tend to be easier to digest, can be used in all the same ways as wheat or wheat flour, and provide plenty of nutrients, too. Oats, for example, contain a compound called beta-glucan, a substance that absorbs cholesterol.
8. Green Tea
Green tea is considered the number-one beverage for antiaging. Not only is it a rich source of cancer-fighting antioxidants, it’s also supportive for heart health since it prevents LDL cholesterol levels from rising. Epidemiological studies suggest that drinking green tea can help reduce atherosclerosis and risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation in arthritis cases, and also improve bone density and brain function.
9. Beans and Legumes
Beans are known for packing in fiber, which slows the rate and amount of absorption of cholesterol. They also contain antioxidants and certain beneficial trace minerals that support healthy circulation. Try nutritious black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, mung beans, and other varieties in soup, salads, and, of course, hummus!
10. Turmeric
Consider turmeric the king of all spices when it comes to fighting inflammation. Turmeric benefits include lowering cholesterol, preventing clots, fighting viruses, killing free radicals, increasing immune health, balancing hormones, and more. Turmeric contains the active ingredient called curcumin, which has been studied in regards to protection against numerous inflammatory diseases including heart disease, cancer, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and more.
11. Garlic
Garlic is one of the most well-researched heart healthy ingredients available. For example, the benefits of raw garlic has been shown to reverse disease because of its antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antiviral, antidiabetic, and immune-boosting properties! Garlic has been found to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure, and protect against infections, so use some every day however you can, whether in sauces, soups, roasted veggies, or marinades.
12. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes provide a good dose of filling, artery-sweeping fiber in addition to loads of vitamins and antioxidants. They’re also low in calories, low on the glycemic index (which means that they won’t spike your blood sugar), and high in potassium.

Dr. Josh Axe is a C.N.S. Certified Nutrition Specialist, expert in Natural Medicine, a speaker for Fortune 500 Companies (Nissan, Whole Foods) and a doctor of chiropractic. He is a nationally sought-after speaker, bestselling author of The Real Food Diet Cookbook, a Physician for Olympic level athletes (Ryan Lochte, among others) and a regular contributing writer for one of the largest U.S. natural supplement companies, Garden of Life. He’s the founder of, which is the #9 most visited natural health site in the entire world.
Go to Aloha. for the original article.

Writing a Letter of Forgiveness

An adapted excerpt from Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges by Lori Deschene (Bigstuck Photo)

All my romantic relationships have ended quickly and painfully. I often compared the new men in my life to the old ones. From my former boyfriends’ mistakes, I always found a reason to walk away from the current one. I even occasionally returned to old boyfriends in hopes that things would change, but they never did. Over time, the anger of past injustices reappeared many times, and I couldn’t overcome it.

A few years ago, I decided to make a change for myself. I stopped communication with all my exes to rid the poison I thought they brought to my life. At first it was liberating, but soon the old feelings of regret and pain came back. I couldn’t stop being a victim and feeling hurt for what was done to me. I finally understood that the only way to be truly free from anger was through forgiveness.

This year, I started writing letters to each of the men whom I’d loved and then hated for so long. I told them my feelings, good and bad, and apologized for the part I played in ending each relationship. Lastly, I forgave them for the mistakes they made- the mistakes that haunted me for years. I sealed each letter with a wish for their happiness and a kiss. I have never felt more content and free than when I placed those letters in the mail. It gave me the resolution that I needed, to say what my heart felt in its entirety and let go.

As I finished sending the last letter, I knew that my heart was ready to love without the burden of past misfortune. I can finally give myself completely to love without excuses or being a victim.

Reflections from Sara O.

I met my ex-boyfriend while we were both in recovery for alcoholism. We dated for a few months until he relapsed. There were always two voices in the back of my head: one telling me this relationship wasn’t healthy and I needed to walk away, and the other telling me to stick it out. That second voice told me I could lead by example, that if he could see how I was improving my life by being sober, he would do the same.

I kept holding on tighter, afraid he would leave and that I wasn’t good enough. When he did leave, abruptly, I was devastated. I expected him to fill that void that was still inside me, despite all the work I was doing on myself. My codependency flared up in all sorts of unhealthy ways: stalking Facebook, obsessing over what I could have said or done to make him stay, resting all my self-worth on his opinion of me. I was against feeling anger toward him because I felt I deserved to be treated this way.

With time, a network of support, and my higher power, I went back to the basics of my program: one day at a time. Each day was a struggle, redirecting my thoughts from negative/obsessive to reflective/self-loving. Eventually, I acknowledged and felt my anger and could let him go. When I find myself wanting to check on him or obsess, I redirect my thinking to my progress and what I could do with this experience to help others. I choose not to hold on to the negativity of that relationship but the self-awareness and love I’ve cultivated thus far in myself.

Today, I thank him for leaving. What I’ve learned by feeling and releasing my anger and choosing to forgive is that people come in and out of our lives every day, and they all teach us something about ourselves. If we’re open-minded, we can reap the benefits and in turn, help others.


  • On a separate piece of paper, write a letter of forgiveness to someone toward whom you’ve felt bitter and angry (to send or to burn as an act of release).

For reflection:

  • What are some things you’ve wanted to tell this person about their actions and how they affected you?
  • What’s prevented you from sharing these things in the past?
  • If you’d like to maintain a relationship with this person, what, if anything, do you need from them to do that?

How did it go?

  • Was this a cathartic experience for you? Did you decide to send or burn the letter?

Reflections from Stephanie Hauck. From Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges. Copyright © 2015 by Lori Deschene. Reprinted with permission by HarperOne, a division of HarperCollinsPublishers.


Relationship of Weight loss and Type 2 Diabetes

Weight loss can help cure diabetes. (iStock photo)

Weight loss effectively cures Type 2 diabetes, according to new research by scientists at Newcastle University.

The findings, published online in the journal Diabetes Care and presented at the World Diabetes Congress in Vancouver this week, show the disease is caused by fat accumulating in the pancreas and that simply losing less than one gram from the organ can reverse the illness and restore insulin production, The Daily Telegraph reports.

"For people with Type 2 diabetes, losing weight allows them to drain excess fat out of the pancreas and allows function to return to normal," said Roy Taylor, a Newcastle University researcher.

For the study, researchers tracked 18 obese people with Type 2 diabetes who underwent gastric band surgery and went on a restricted diet for eight weeks. Over the course of the study, the participants lost an average of 13 percent of their body weight and 0.6 grams of fat from their pancreas, allowing the organ to secrete normal levels of insulin.

At the end of the study, the investigators determined they were cured of their condition. 

The team is now planning a larger two-year study involving 200 people with Glasgow University to confirm the findings. 

For the original article, visit


5 ways to exercise no matter how busy you are

An Aussie model for the past seven years, in 2013 Hannah started sharing her fitness routine, diet and health tips on Instagram to much success. She launches her workout app this year (
Keeping fit when you've got a jam-packed schedule IS possible, writes Hannah Saul

We've all gone through times when life starts getting in the way of our fitness journey. But whether you work unpredictable hours or your social schedule is getting the better of you, it's still important to stay on top of your workouts. Not only is exercise good for your health for many reasons, but it can also be quite energising – I personally find that working out helps to boost my productivity. Here are the five tricks that I apply to fit in a workout regardless of my schedule.

1. Work out in the morning
I always do some form of exercise in the morning, even if I can only fit 10 minutes in. Something is better than nothing, and for me it's more about making it a habit! I've been doing this every day for about three years and it's a non-negotiable part of my day. If I have an early shoot or an early flight, I do three to four sets of the following:
  • 15 push-ups
  • 15 squats
  • 15 mountain climbers
  • 15 lunges a side, alternating legs because that will help you work your core
  • 15 bicycle crunches

Related story: Australian model Hannah Saul shares her summer body tips

2. Bring your workout gear with you
Not sure when you will have time to train? Bring a small gym bag with you to work. All you will need is your gym gear (obviously): shoes, shorts, socks, top and a comb, dry shampoo, face wipes and mineral foundation to get ready post-workout. This little pack won't take up too much space, but it is essentially all you need to get 'work ready' again.

3. Get an app
Having a fitness app on your phone is a great way to ensure you get your workout done, because you have a library of workouts at your fingertips that you can literally do anywhere, anytime. My fitness app, HANxFIT, has workouts that can be done no matter where you want to train. If you have a lunch break and a park nearby, do a workout from the body weight or abs section. If you want to do a session in the gym, you can refer to the gym or kettlebell workouts. Each workout has a beginner, intermediate and advanced option and there are different length options so you can pick a workout that suits your timeframe too.

4. Get a stretchy band
You forgot to bring your gym gear to work and you missed your morning session. Now you're home, tired and lacking motivation to train. This is when a stretchy band comes into play. I have a band that's about 40cm in diameter and I use it while I'm watching TV. To work your legs and butt, put the band underneath your knees (not on your knees!) and go up into a bridge. Engage your core and make sure you keep your body aligned, as you don't want to hurt yourself. Now alternate between doing little pulses towards the roof and pushing your legs out towards the sides of the room.
Remember it's all about small movements and keeping your muscles under tension. Every time you do a pulse, think to yourself 'out an inch, in an inch'. It might sound a bit dirty, but it works!
5. Embrace incidental exercise
Try to fit in as much incidental exercise as possible. Walk to work or to the train station and if possible try to organise walking or fitness meetings with your contacts. You could also consider getting a standing desk. Applying more healthy practices into your daily schedule can only be good for you, after all.

Hannah Saul is launching her highly anticipated workout app HAN x FIT in October 2015. Pre- register for the app now:
Instagram: @hanxfit