Christian Persecution in Nigeria

The pattern of persecution in Nigeria is much more complex than only killing or wounding Christians (EMS of ECWA photo)
Leader: Muhammadu Buhari
Government: Federal republic

Population: 183 million (89 million Christians)
Main Religion: Islam/Christianity

Persecution Level: Extreme
Source of persecution: Islamic extremism
Although Boko Haram is most often associated with persecution of Christians in northern Nigerian, the pattern of persecution is much more complex than only killing or wounding Christians – as well as moderate Muslims – by an Islamic terrorist group. This is especially so in the 12 northern Sharia states where local government and social groups leave hardly any space for Christians to live their own lives. The current situation in Nigeria casts dark clouds ahead with the declaration of a caliphate in northeastern Nigeria. Boko Haram has kidnapped hundreds of girls, boys and women. Also, the attacks have left thousands homeless.
  • That the 200 girls of Chibok and the many others kidnapped by Boko Haram will be returned to their homes
  • That the thousands of Christians who have been displaced in northeastern Nigeria will be reunited with their families and receive relief help and trauma counseling from Open Doors workers
  • That all those affected by the violence and trauma of Boko Haram would rest secure in God
Read original article on Open Doors, Serving persecuted Christians worldwide.

Close To Half Of People With High Cholesterol Aren’t Taking Medication

A high percentage of  people with high cholesterol are not taking their medication (image © Dr. Peter Osborne)

Cholesterol is one of the health parameters that determine a person’s risk of heart disease. In the U.S. alone, roughly 78 million people are diagnosed with high LDL — or “bad” — cholesterol.

Despite the prevalence of the risk factor, not everyone eligible to take cholesterol-reducing drugs is doing so. This was discovered through a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which went through data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys between 2005 and 2012.

According to a news release, the CDC report revealed that 36.7 percent of U.S. adults are allowed to take medication designed to lower cholesterol. Unfortunately, only 55.5 percent of this group take this kind of medication. In terms of race and ethnicity, Mexican-Americans have the least proportion of medication takers, with only 47 percent of the eligible group currently taking drugs.

The agency also discovered that only 46.6 percent of people eligible to take cholesterol-reducing drugs changed their lifestyles to include increased physical activity. Meanwhile, 35.5 percent chose not to take medication or make lifestyle changes.

People who are eligible for cholesterol-lowering drugs should have either cardiovascular disease or impairment, or high LDL cholesterol. Adults between 40 and 75 years of age are recommended for medication if they have diabetes and high LDL cholesterol combined.

by   Read Original article at


7 Damaging Sins Which Can Cripple Every Marriage

Damaging sins you need to watch out for in your marriage (iStock photo)

Did you know there are sins that can cripple every marriage? Yes, there are.

You realize there are no perfect marriages because there are no perfect people. Right?

Let me repeat that. There are no perfect marriages because there are no perfect people. 

Every marriage will have seasons that are more difficult than others. I often encounter couples in our church that think they are unique. Because we tend to put on our happy faces at church, they believe theirs is the only marriage in a bad season.

In fact, I'm convinced not understanding how many couples have weathered through these rocky places in marriage may be a reason many couples give up on their marriage. If they understood how normal they are, they might be more willing to raise the white flag—ask for help—and work to restore the marriage. 

I have observed over the years there are some issues in marriages that, if not addressed, can be crippling to the marriage. These are the "biggies." They may manifest themselves in other ways, but if you could trace back to the origin, you would find these to be at fault.

And let's not sugarcoat. They are sins. We have all sinned. We all sin. Every marriage is comprised of two sinners. 

This is the real reason there are no perfect marriages. 

Left to fester on their own, these sins will eventually be the destroyer of the marriage or certainly keep it from achieving the oneness God commanded. 

So, what are these damaging sins? I'm glad you asked.

Here are seven damaging sins that can cripple every marriage:

1. Selfishness – Marriage won't work without mutual submission. Read Ephesians 5:21. Marriage is not a 50/50 arrangement. Ideally it's to be a 100/100 bond—where both spouses willingly yield their all. (I used the word ideal, because your marriage is not there and neither is mine.) When one spouse demands their way or will never work toward a compromise the relationship can never be all it should be. One person is happy—the one who got their way—the other is miserable.  

2. Discontent – I've said before—boredom is perhaps the No. 1 destroyer of marriage. There will be seasons in every relationship that aren't as "exciting" as others. Some days you will "feel" more in love than other days. But the key to a long-term relationship is a commitment beyond emotion. 

3. Pride – When one spouse can never admit they are wrong or see their own flaws, it opens the door for a wedge of bitterness in the other spouse. Pride is also destructive when the couple is too proud to admit their struggles or get the help they need. 

4. Unforgiveness – Holding on to past hurts not only damages the marriage bond, it destroys the person who refuses to forgive. Trust can't be developed until forgiveness is granted. Isn't grace received expected to be extended? 

5. Anger – The Scripture is clear: We should not go to bed in anger. There is a reason for that command. Anger is a wedge, one that only grows wider over time when not dealt with. 

6. Complacency – As soon as you think you're marriage is above the problems of other relationships, you're in trouble. The enemy loves to attack the unaware. 

7. Coveting – Couples who compare themselves to other couples will almost always be disappointed. There will always be people with more—and it likely isn't making them as happy as you think it does. Keep in mind, many times people disguise their struggles well. The couple you think has it all may wish they had what you have. Every couple is unique. Comparison only leads to frustration. 

Ask yourself this question: Which of these sins is most prevalent in my marriage today? Which is causing the greatest harm? Which of these, while it may not be an issue today, could become an issue if we don't get serious about it soon?

Be honest with yourself—and ultimately—with your spouse.

Ron Edmondson is the senior pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. For the original article, visit


When God Says Go

You will know when it's time to go just like God commanded Abraham (ECWA archives)

I still remember the response of my son's orthodontist upon finding out that our family was moving from Upper Michigan to Minnesota—"Oooh," he mused while inspecting, through squinted Scandinavian eyes, Seth's newly straightened teeth, "You're going to the flatlands, huh?"

"Yeah," I chuckled, "I guess we are." Because God had said "Go forth."

Our family had been happily settled into the familiar landscape of life as we knew it. We lived within miles of our large, close-knit extended family, and my husband was an elder at the local church that had become dear to us as well. He had been a teacher at a relatively young Christian school nearby and was in his second year as the school's administrator. Life was good, but our fledgling school was facing adversity.

The ministry from which the school rented space had decided to use that space for other purposes, and our school, faced with too short a timeline to get another building up to code, had made the decision to close. Around the same time, a relative from a church about a half hour north of the Twin Cities sent me a text that their church's school was in need of an administrator. The rest, as they say, is history.

Now, back to the squinty-eyed orthodontist. You have to understand, here, that we "Yoopers" (a term for natives and inhabitants of Michigan's Upper Peninsula) are a unique breed—fierce, independent, proud of our mines and our ability to withstand frigid winters with over 300 inches of snow on a regular basis (eat your heart out, Boston). But tough as we are, we find ourselves weak-kneed when faced with the rugged, wild, majestic beauty of creation. Rolling hills, mountainous, ore-filled peaks, acre upon acre of untouched hardwoods, mile upon mile of Lake Superior's sugary sand and clear waters … even atheists in the U.P. call her "God's Country."

We loved our home, but God had said, "Go forth."

God's Provision

As I reflect back on those days, I can't help but think of Abram and Sarai and the Lord's command to them in Genesis 12:1:

"Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you" (ESV).

Having already left their wealthy, populous, cosmopolitan home city of Ur, Abram, Sarai, and their family set off from Haran toward Canaan, the final leg of a journey that would total some 1,500 miles. With merely their possessions and a promise, they navigated rivers, mountains, and deserts—likely natural and man-made hazards of all sorts—until they were eventually set down in a territory unknown, one in which they were asked to trust in El Shaddai—God Almighty—who had assured what seemed laughable at best.

But they persevered, and He provided.
A covenant, in spite of their conniving.
A nation, from the depths of a barren womb.
A sacrifice, beneath a father's trembling, outstretched hand.

This is our God, too, and He had said, "Go forth."

A New Country

On a well-traveled highway from our Upper Peninsula hometown to a nearby city—and, yes, the isolated region's only Target—upon rounding a slight curve in the road, travelers are greeted with a break in the heavily-treed landscape, and all eyes are drawn upward from the four paved lanes toward an expansive blue horizon. And in that instant they are met by the big broadness of Lake Superior stretched out against the bright blueness of the sky. Its sight is a God-created quencher of thirst and fresh air for world-weary lungs.

But today I will drive the flatlands on the way to my straight-smiled son's soccer game. I will continue to learn what the Lord has for me in this new and unfamiliar terrain—straight roads lined with cornfields, acres sprawling with soybeans, amber waves of grain. I grumble at times that here, in the land of ten thousand lakes, I can go weeks without seeing one! Yet we will trust in His perfect provision in the midst of our imperfect "Go forth." We will thirstily look for grace as we navigate new ministries, new friends, and a new church family. And just as He did for Abraham and Sarah, El Shaddai will show His might. Jehovah Jireh will provide. He already has.

Has the Lord directed you to "Go forth" lately? Will you trust Him in unfamiliar terrain today?

For original article, go to


A Vital Prophetic Protocol We Should All Follow

Here is one prophetic protocol prophetic we should all follow (Celebration Ministries photo)

I've seen some disturbing prophetic words on the Internet recently regarding specific dreams and visions over high-profile leaders in the body of Christ.

One of those words described a vision of two publicly named spiritual generals down on their knees repenting to one another, suggesting that another great awakening hinged on this act. A second prophecy suggested a different leader—again, publicly named—was fighting for his life because he did something illegal in the spirit that let the devil attack him.

Needless to say, I was disappointed to read these articles online and more disappointed that others picked up on them and parroted what they read, even adding their own interpretations and speculations. I reached out to some of the authors but the practice continues—and it grieves me.

It violates prophetic protocol to publish dreams, visions and other prophetic expressions about named ministry leaders—and especially when the utterance makes a public cry for repentance or offers a rebuke—without approaching the people you're writing about to get their blessing.

Yes, There Are Exceptions

Matthew 18 dictates we approach a brother who has sinned privately, but even words that don't deal with sin need to be hashed out with the person before you "go live" on the Internet. Such prophecies can have unintended consequences, even if they are true.

There could be times when the Lord would lead a prophet to bypass this process—and it could be impossible to reach the person on which the prophecy centers—but I believe that prophet should then take the word to a prophetic counsel of elders that would pray over it and offer wise counsel on when and how best to release it, if it needs to be released at all. In other words, there needs to be accountability.

Sure, there are times when the Lord uses a prophet to issue a strong rebuke, but we cannot ignore the Matthew 18 principle. True prophetic utterances do not conflict with Scripture. As one of my prophetic mentors drilled into my head, "God does not speak with a forked tongue!" Again, such words need to be submitted to elder prophets before public release.


Yes, I have read clear and valid prophetic words about politicians, celebrities and other public figures that bear witness with me and were appropriate in timing and spirit; but a seasoned prophet weighs prophetic utterances that could have a major impact on a person, people or nation before hitting "publish" on WordPress. And there's a distinction between a celebrity or politician and a man or woman of God who is trying their best to do what God has called them to do.

Rightly Dividing the Word

After grieving over some of these issues, I wrote a post on my Facebook page addressing some of it. That post reads:

"Dear Prophets, Before you release a prophetic word consider the consequences and the ripple effect. Just because the Lord shows you something doesn't mean you need to shout it from the rooftops. If you're wrong, you could hurt a lot of people. Even if you are right, you could hurt a lot of people. Let's filter our prophetic revelation through the lens of wisdom. Ask yourself, who will this help? Does it ultimately exalt Jesus? If the prophecy brings more attention to you than to God, something is wrong with the prophetic picture. Selah."

You can see the comments on this post here. Most people shouted a hearty "amen." But it's clear we need more training in this area because others pointed me to Ezekiel 33 about blood being on my hands if I don't release the word and others pointed me to Matthew 10:27, "What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light. And what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops."

Certainly, these Scriptures are truth but they do not apply to the context of this issue. Ezekiel 33 concerns a watchman who is called to warn a people group, not issue prophetic dreams about leaders who are supposedly in strife. And Matthew 10 does not carry any prophetic connotation. Jesus was telling His disciples to preach the gospel without fear of what the religious leaders would do to them.

Consider the Consequences

Let's consider the consequences of our prophetic utterances. Death and life are in the power of the tongue (see Prov. 18:21) and sincere prophets can curse God-fearing ministries, bring a lot of heartache to suffering families, and breed strife and division in the body unintentionally.

Cindy Jacobs once told me that the prophet needs more than the word of the Lord—they need the word of wisdom about when, if and how to release the word of the Lord. Many times, the Lord shows us things to drive us into the prayer closest or the war room. We also need to pray over the prophetic word so that it hits soil that can receive it.

Charles Spurgeon once said, "Even Christ's own seed of the word, pure from His own hand, brings forth no fruit when it falls on unprepared hearts."

Releasing shocking prophetic words without a council of prophetic elders who will sift, pray through and judge them almost always brings unintended harm to some who hear it. Wisdom—and Scripture—dictates we approach releasing strong calls for repentance and rebukes with the Golden Rule found in Luke 6:31, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening; Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God; The Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.


Coping with Healing

Why is hard for Christians to receive healing? (Christina Hibbert)?

As a healing evangelist, I am asked many questions concerning healing. One common question asked is: "Why do you think it is hard for Christians to receive healing? It seems most are already resigned to go the medical route because God uses doctors." This is a reasonable question, and there is an answer for it.

It has been difficult for Christians, especially in the Western World, to receive healing because they have not been taught about faith for healing on a consistent basis.

People are willing to wait seven to 10 days for an antibiotic to heal their bodies, because they have been taught for many years that if they take one tablet of this medicine three times a day, they will be healed. They are even willing to overlook physical symptoms of the illness, because they have been taught that the symptoms and the sickness will be healed as long as they take the medicine faithfully. So, their faith has been activated, they follow their doctor's instructions, and they are healed by the medicine.

But God's people are not willing to wait this amount of time for divine healing to manifest, because they have not been consistently taught that if they will be faithful to take God's medicine, His Word concerning healing, three times a day, morning, noon and night, that their bodies will be healed. And because of the lack of faith teaching for healing, if they experience any type of symptom after prayer, they doubt the power in God's medicine and are not healed.

When God's people hear the message of faith for healing on a consistent basis and put faith for healing into action, then they are healed. And not only are they healed, but they walk in divine health and avoid sickness all together.

Our faith to believe God for healing will automatically activate when we are taught the Word for healing on a consistent basis.

This is why it has been difficult for Christians to receive healing in the past, but we can change this and start to teach the healing message to those around us.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at


Praise and Prayer, December 2015


Prayer/Counseling hotline: 08033673654, 08051614880
Brethren, pray for us (1 Thess. 5:25)
“Give unto the Lord the Glory due unto His Name; worship the lord in the beauty of his holiness” (Ps.29:2)
TUESDAY 1ST Worship God for His Divine Favor, Grace, Safety, Protection, and provisions this past Eleven Months. Give Him glory for His good plans For His Children in the month of December and in the year 2016.
WEDNESDAY 2ND Worship the Lord and thank God for the lives of EMS supporters for being so committed to their cause despite financial challenges faced by a lot of them following delays of salaries and the general economic stagnation and downturn especially in Nigeria.
TURSDAY 3RD Give thanks to the Lord for the success of Programs held in the year 2015 by EMS headquarters, coordinators, and missionaries in various mission Fields across the country and abroad. Worship Him for the bountiful Harvest of Souls recorded through these Programs.
FRIDAY 4TH Praise God for the successful operation/surgery of Mrs. Iremiya Bala at Burum, lafia DCC, Also pray for speedy recovery from the operation.
SATURDAY 5TH Praise God for the gradual but sure growth of the church in Gambia as members are realizing what it means to be born again and are becoming committed in sharing their faith and spreading the word of God among their countrymen.
Thank God, for answered prayers for the need of a resident permit for Rev. Nadabo and his family in Ghana.
“…Put ye the sickle, because the harvest is come”
Mark 4:29
SUNDAY 6TH Thank God for the gift of another car last month to the EMS Medical unit, pray that the Lord will replenish the donor and grant them increasing favor on every side.
MONDAY 7TH Thank God for the ministry Lifetime of all retiring EMS missionaries, and ECWA Pastors. Pray that the Lord will refresh them and increase upon them Grace to serve Him better even as they are retiring from active ministry this year.
TUESDAY 8TH Pray that God should bring about revival upon the church at Kudugba in the mid-east region, where members are increasingly becoming drunkards/smokers and putting on non-challant attitude to church programs.
WEDNESDAY 9TH Pray for Pastor Stephen John serving at Adoka mission station, that the Lord should endow him with wisdom as he handles the issue of syncretism and strange doctrines in the young church he is planting.
THURSDAY 10TH Ask the Lord to touch all EMS field missionaries and their family members suffering from one ailment or the other with His mighty healing hand. Pray for God’s touch on the son of Pastor. Iliya D. Bawa, of Akwanga DCC, who has not been able to walk for the past 15 years. Also, pray for Pastor Obadiah Ishaku’s wife who was delivered through C.S, and for the wife of Pastor Philemon Zakka, Mrs. Hajara Philemon for Gods perfect healing.
FRIDAY 11TH Pray for Mr. Ibrahim Musa, his wife and their 2 children in Nasarawa who have just been converted to Christianity from Islam. Ask that the Lord should strengthen them and grant them divine cover and courage.
SATURDAY 12TH Pray for Gods deliverance of some members of the prayer house at Amburma in Panda DCC who have been confirmed to be involved with witchcraft. Also, Pray for the Pastor that God should grant him enabling grace as he works on helping these ones come out of this satanic bondage.
“… Go into all the world and Preach the Godnews…”
Mark. 16:15
SUNDAY 13TH BENIN REPUBLIC:–Pray for Gods provision and favor towards sevral missions projects in Benin including and especially the landed properties needed to be purchased in order to build churches.
MONDAY 14TH THE GAMBIA:- Thank God, for the Muslim and pagan converts who are being followed up at different locations; pray that they remain faithful to Him who called them by His grace.
Pray that God should help Gambian indigenous Christians to take their walk with Christ seriously and be committed to the things of God.
TUESDAY 15TH BURKINA FASO: – Pray for God’s increasing anointing and divine protection for Pastor Dauda Iliya, an EMS missionary at Burkina Faso with his family, as he is increasingly spiritually tasked with cases of deliverance of people from demonic bondage. Praise God for the life of many who are coming to the saving knowledge of God as they witness the total deliverance of their love ones from Satan’s grip.
WEDNESDAY 16TH TOGO:-Thank God for spiritual revival in our Lomé churches and the return of many back to the path of truth and righteousness.
Pray that God will make provisions towards the starting of the theological training center at Wahala Mission station for the training of Togolese.
THURSDAY 17TH GHANA :– Pray for Gods leading as plans are ongoing towards the handing over of the Zenu Church to Pastor James, and for grace upon him as he works on starting another branch in Accra town by January 2016.
FRIDAY 18TH NIGER REPUBLIC: – Pray for the total yielding of Panuma community in Niger republic, as Rev. Likita Prepares for a special programme for them during this forth coming Christmas. Also, pray for the country’s peace, as Niger Republic looks fort to its general election in 2016.
SATURDAY 19TH Pray Not less than N300, 464,000 (Three hundred million, four hundred and sixty four thousand naira only) is urgently needed for critical cross Borders projects. Let us pray that the Lord by his generosity will open doors of resourses for this need to be met.
“Behold am the lord the god of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?’
Jeremiah 32:27
SUNDAY 20TH Pray against spirit of malice, strive, unforgivenes and Luke warmness in the life of ECWA members wherever they may be found.
MONDAY 21ST Magnify the savior Jesus Christ, and appreciate the Holy Spirit for the souls added to the kingdom this year. Ask that they be rooted in faith.
TUESDAY 22ND Pray for the Lord to sustain upon the church the burden for holy living and witnessing. Pray that the year 2016 becomes a prosperous mission’s year for ECWA in particular and the Nigerian church in general.
WEDNESDAY 23RD Ask the Lord to grant ECWA ministers consistent victory over every strong hold of wickedness that is waging war against their spiritual growth, fruitfulness and stability.
THURSDAY 24TH Pray for ECWA families that are faced with financial, health, and peace crises that God will visit them and restored peace and stability in their homes.
FRIDAY 25TH Pray that God should reverse the current trend of selfish and self-centered doctrines that has become the bane of churches today in Nigeria and the world over. Pray For more men to be deployed into God’s missions’ fields all over the world in 2016.
SATURDAY 26TH As ECWA Theological Seminaries graduates ministers on training this month, pray that we will have successive generation of passionate and intentional laborers, men and women who are passionate for souls winning and submissive to the scriptures.
“I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove savage beast from the land, and the sward will not pass through your country”
SUNDAY 27TH In line with God’s promise in the above Bible passage, Pray for Global peace and security throughout this last month of 2015. Also, ask the Lord to continuously heal, provide and comfort grieving families who lost friends, relatives, properties and business in war, violence and religious crises in these past eleven months across the country and beyond.
MONDAY 28TH Pray against all satanic activities and effort to distract people from paying attention to the gospel this last month of 2015.
TUESDAY 29TH Pray against all hidden agendas, and that any attempt to deliberately orchestrate violence between the religious communities of Nigeria would come to nothing. Pray that every evil counsel that is in existence be destroyed. (Job.5:12-14).
WEDNESDAY 30TH Pray for wisdom for Nigerian leaders in the utilization of the nation’s resources especially the oil. Let us pray that every corruption, injustice and wickedness in high places be brought down and destroyed in Jesus mighty name.
THURSDAY 31TH Thank God for bringing us to this last day of the year. Pray for road, air, and sea transport safety for Nigerians in the month of December, especially for all Mission partners, Mission agencies, Missionaries, Pastors, and Evangelists traveling. Pray for a peaceful and glorious cross over into the New Year tomorrow.
To this end have you faithfully labored with us in prayer, and because you have not relented, we pray for you that:
God would bless the works of your hands (Psalm 90:17) and that before you call, the Lord will answer you; and while you are yet speaking, he will hear you in Jesus most gracious name. Amen!!! (Isaiah 65:22-24)

Warning: Drinking the Wrong Kind of Water Can Drain Your Energy

Are you drinking the right kind of water? (iStock photo)

Lots of people walk around all day with their trusty water bottle in hand to make sure they stay hydrated. But many experts say they are actually making themselves more—not less—dehydrated.

How can this be?

It's because they are drinking water that is too acidic.

The solution is alkaline water, which is surging in popularity and has some people swearing that it has given them a new lease on life.  

Alkaline water—water with a high pH either naturally or because of additives—helps neutralize excess acid in the body, a condition called acidosis. Among alternative practitioners, acidosis is thought to cause a host of health problems, the most common being constant tiredness and lack of energy.

The standard Western diet, which includes exposure to highly acidic water and food, has shifted our bodies' natural pH from an ideal level of slightly alkaline to an adverse level of slightly acidic.

"Most waters out there, either bottled or from the tap, are either acidic or are artificially adjusted in their pH by added compounds like chlorine," says Robert O. Young, co-author of The pH Miracle and other books.

According to Young and other holistic practitioners, no matter how much bottled and tap water a person drinks, it's possible to become increasingly dehydrated.

Young tells Newsmax Health that the earliest stage of acidosis is enervation or fatigue. "We start losing energy. We're tired. We're fatigued all the time."

In extreme cases, acidosis has been associated with body-wide inflammation, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries, and the development of cancer.

The pH scale is a measurement of acidity or alkalinity. The scale runs from 0-14, with 0 as the most acidic, 7 as neutral, and 14 as most alkaline.

"The pH of our bodies is naturally alkaline at 7.367," Young says.

However, because we constantly consume unnaturally acidic drinks and foods, many of us have flipped our body chemistry to become acidic rather than slightly alkaline. This is where alkaline water can help.

One good source of alkaline water is spring water, which typically has a pH of 8 to 8.5 because it naturally acquires alkalizing minerals as it passes over rocks. When buying bottled water, look for those labeled "spring water."

Another option is to place one or two teaspoons of baking soda into an eight-ounce glass of distilled water and drink two such glasses daily, preferably between meals. If you drink this mixture during meals, you may reduce the effectiveness of your stomach acid and compromise digestion.

Young also recommends juicing chlorophyll-rich green fruits and vegetables such as avocados, cucumbers, green peppers, broccoli and spinach.

"These are foods that not only can help alkalize the blood and tissues but also build and structure stem cells," he says.

You also can alkalize your water by adding three drops of commercial alkaline concentrate to an eight-ounce glass of spring or distilled water.

One such product—AlkaZone Alkaline Booster Drops with Antioxidant—costs about $19 for a 1.2-ounce bottle, which contains about 200 servings. Alkaline concentrates are widely available at health-food stores and through Internet retailers.

Alkaline water, says Young, has both immediate and long-term health benefits:

  • After 20 minutes: Improved mental clarity.
  • After 24 hours: Increased energy.
  • After 72 hours: Lifted mood and improved sleep.
  • In four days: Increased exercise endurance.
  • In one week: Decreased back pain.
  • In two weeks: Decreased joint pain.
  • In four weeks: Weight loss up to 10 pounds.

For the original article, visit


Giving this Holiday Season

Let the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit, be your guide in giving this holiday season and beyond (image:St Leodegar's Church).

November and December are both months filled with the spirit of giving. We give not to get anything in return, but because Jesus gave his life for us.

Here are 20 Bible verses to chew on during this wonderful season.

1. Deuteronomy 15:10 – "Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to."

2. Deuteronomy 16:17 – "Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you."

3. Proverbs 21:26 – "The righteous gives and does not hold back."

4. Proverbs 3:27 – "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it."

5. Proverbs 11:24-25 – "There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want. The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered."

6. 1 Chronicles 29:9 – "Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart, and King David also rejoiced greatly."

7. Proverbs 22:9 – "He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor."

8. Proverbs 28:27 – "He who gives to the poor will never want, but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses."

9. Malachi 3:10 – "'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,' says the Lord of hosts, 'if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.'"

10. Matthew 6:3-4 – "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

11. Mark 12:41-44 – "And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent. Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, 'Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.'"

12. Luke 3:11 – "And he would answer and say to them, 'The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.'"

13. Luke 6:30 – "Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back."

14. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 – "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed."

15. Luke 6:38 – "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."

16. John 3:16 – "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him wouldn't perish, but would have eternal life."

17. Acts 20:35 – "In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

18. Romans 12:8 – "Or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness."

19. James 2:15-16 – "If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,' and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?"

20. 2 Corinthians 9:10 – "Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness."

Jarrid Wilson is a husband Juli, dad To Finch, pastor, author, blogger and founder of Cause Roast. He's helping people live a better story. For the original article, visit


How to Leave an Unhealthy Church

No doubt, Jesus does not want us in a toxic church situation. Your heart will tell you when to leave.

Two weeks ago I shared some practical guidelines on how to leave a church gracefully. I wrote this because I hear so many stories about people storming out of churches because their feelings got hurt. But an astute reader also pointed out that my guidelines really don't apply when the church or its pastor have become abusive.
"Teresa" wrote that in her city, a popular leader of a megachurch was exposed for engaging in secret immoral behavior that affected countless members of his congregation for many years. "Thousands of people have been abused, broken, manipulated and controlled by [the pastor]," she wrote. "He has literally destroyed hundreds of families over the decades."

So how do you leave a church that is spiritually abusive? What if the pastor or other leaders are guilty of sexual misconduct, unethical or illegal financial activities or controlling behavior? The rules for leaving are different.

1. Get outside advice. Before you plan your exit, make sure you are looking at the situation rationally. Talk to two or three people who are not members of this church or ministry. You might even want to set up a meeting with another pastor from your city. Explain your concerns. They will help you see if you are overreacting, or if you really have a case.

2. Gather the facts. Never base your concerns on rumors or unfounded allegations. Can this improper behavior be documented? Is there a paper trail? Paul said in 1 Timothy 5:19: "Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses." If there has been wrongdoing, there will be evidence. (If you find concrete evidence that something illegal is going on, such as extortion or child abuse, you should contact the police.)

3. Confront the issue. This will not be easy if the leader in question uses threats, manipulation or anger to run over people. I normally advise that meetings be in person, but don't meet alone if the leader in question is a manipulator. Take people with you so that you can't be bullied. It's also best to put your concerns in writing and take the letter with you.

4. Make a clean break. If you know that the pastor or other church leaders are guilty of behavior that disqualifies ministers, and there are no signs of repentance, you don't have to stick around. God gave you two feet, and you can use them to walk out. Some people feel guilty for leaving an abusive church, but you must renounce feelings of false guilt or displaced loyalty. God will help you start a new life. Don't let anyone (especially extended family members) manipulate you into staying.

5. Get counseling and prayer from a mature Christian. Spiritual manipulation messes with your mind. People I know who were part of an abusive ministry were made to feel guilty for simply asking questions. They were told that God required them to be blindly loyal, and that if they ever left the ministry something terrible would happen to them. If you were under this type of toxic control, you need someone to pray for you—so you can break free from psychological abuse.

6. Find a healthy church. Never let the devil convince you to give up on church just because the one you attended went off track. You need God's people in your life. Some frustrated saints who have been wounded by unqualified leaders have asked me, "Are there any good churches left?" My answer is always yes! The Great Shepherd always leads us to green pastures where we can be healed and comforted. If you isolate yourself from church, you are wasting your spiritual gifts and ruining your chances of being restored.

7. Help others to heal. In my work with abused women, I've seen that those who suffered the most became powerfully effective in helping others after they experienced healing. This can be true for people who were wounded in an unhealthy church. God does not waste our pain! He can use your testimony to help those who are going through similar situations.

Once you leave, it is possible that other members of your church will contact you—and some of them will be honestly seeking the same freedom you have found. You owe it to them to share the story of your exit. If you stay healthy during the process of leaving, God can use you to pull others to safety.

J. Lee Grady is the is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe, Fearless Daughters of the Bible and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project, at


Why are Millennials Sick of Church?

Ministers should know that millennials don't need a lot of frills in a church service. (ECWA Archive)

There are literally thousands of articles online about why the millennial generation is disillusioned with church, church culture and church politics. And while I applaud the attempt to wrap one's head around the issue, I've noticed that most of the articles seem to be written by people who know nothing about the millennial generation. Weird.

I've talked with thousands of young people over the years who have told me, "I'm just sick of church." I've heard everything under the sun when it comes to one's reasoning for leaving, and I believe many of them carry a lot of heavy truth. Here are some of them …

1. "It's not authentic."
2. "It's too corporate." 
3. "I don't like the political side."
4. "I feel like I can't be open about my struggles."
5. "I hate the cliques."
6. "It's too judgmental." 
7. "Their attempt at being relevant comes off as cheesy."
8. "They don't spend enough time outside of their building."
9. "They aren't really welcoming of people who are different from them." 
10. "They focus too much on what they know instead of whom they are showing love to."


And while I believe not all churches deal with the complaints I mentioned above, it's safe to say there are many who probably do. That's why I'm writing this. This needs to be discussed.

Authenticity Is Key

If churches want to see more millennials walk through their doors, they need to stop trying to entice them with free stuff, and instead allow their spaces to be filled with authentic relationships and transparent conversations. The Acts 2 church was a perfect example of this.

"They continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in the prayers. Fear came to every soul. And many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common. They sold their property and goods and distributed them to all, according to their need. And continuing daily with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart" (Acts 2:42-46).

Some people say there is a decline in millennial church attendance, while others say they don't see much of a change at all. We must realize that just because millennials aren't showing up to church buildings doesn't mean they aren't part of a thriving community of believers, or are without a biblical relationship with God.

Millennials aren't looking for brighter lights. Millennials aren't looking for more free coffee. They want Jesus-founded authenticity, a safe-place to share burdens, real answers to real questions and a community of action.

Jarrid Wilson is a husband to Juli, dad to Finch, pastor, author, blogger, founder of Cause Roast. He's helping people live a better story. For the original article, visit


5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Cohabitate Before Marriage

Studies shows after living together before marriage, the odds of staying together decreases significantly (image © Andy Ward)

Are you single or dating someone you think may be the one? Or do you have kids who are dating and may be thinking wedding bells at some point?

If so, you may want to consider the importance of marrying before moving in together or of teaching your kids about the pitfalls of shacking up.

More and more couples are choosing to move in together before marriage. One reason is to save on rent. Yes, saving on rent. Saving on rent is not, and should not be, a reason to live with someone who may or may not become your spouse. In fact, it is a really bad reason. Below are five reasons shacking up is a bad idea:

1. No blessings from God. The Bible considers shacking up the opposite of a legitimate marriage. A legitimate marriage consists of a union between a man and woman who have made a covenant and commitment. Shacking up involves neither. Marriage was a union created by God and is a union God blesses.

2. Your relationship will probably end. An article on states that 80 percent of shacking-up relationships end before marriage or in divorce after marriage. So, it is 80/20 against you getting married or staying married to that person. One reason is because there is not a commitment when you move in before marriage. A relationship without commitment will not last, and marriage is the biggest commitment you can make in life.

3. Your children will be negatively affected. To the parents who have children, your kids are three times as likely to be expelled from school or get pregnant, five times more likely to live in poverty, and 22 times more likely to be incarcerated—all because you choose to live with someone you're not married to.

4. It makes you lazy. As a married man, I know that once dating ends, the relationship changes. Living together removes the "being your best" part of your relationship. Kind of like most job interviews—you wore the suit to the interview, but once hired, you show up in khakis and a polo. And if you're living with a woman and getting some of the "benefits" of marriage—sex, having someone to help around the house, sharing the bills—you can also get lazy about taking the next step in your relationship.

5. Saving on rent. Mentioned above.

 Related Resources: 

How will you educate your adult children about the dangers of shacking up?

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Why All Churches Should Address Depression & Anxiety

Awareness must be created among Church members to deal with depression and anxiety (The Express Tribune with the International New York Times) by Jarrid


It's no secret my past was riddled with mental health issues—ones that kept me from wanting to live for much of my teenage life. I'm very vocal about this truth, and I will continue to be as along as my story may have an impact on others who need to hear it.

And while I do believe today's church is doing better at addressing the issue that is mental health, I believe there can be so much more done than what is currently taking place in regards to depression and anxiety. Let me explain.

I never tried to take my own life in my younger years, but I frequently found myself googling painless ways to commit suicide, and really had no remorse once finding what I was looking for. It was a sad state to hold myself. The reality is that my life was infected with the burden of depression and anxiety, and the only places I could find reliable information from were not churches in my local area.

Why? It's because mental illness wasn't really talked about much.

I felt as if all the "Christian" resources were outdated, and really didn't address the fact that taking medication was okay in the eyes of God. There really wasn't much information at all. It was as if all the answers I was finding were suggesting that I just needed more faith.

Seriously? The last thing someone contemplating suicide wants to hear is, "Just have faith." I understand that Jesus has the power to conquer anything that comes in my way, but please don't throw Christians clichés at me. I wanted real, authentic and practical information, and I assume there are millions in this world who would want the same. It's what Jesus would have done.

I really wanted to find help in the church, but there were no ministries or non-profits working within the walls of local congregations that I could reach. All the counseling and help I received came years after I actually needed it, and it was found in the secrecy of a local medical facility, not a church—where it should have been all along.

Mind you, the church has come a long way since my teen years in regards to helping those with mental illness, but I believe we can still do a lot more.

Some Statistics
1. It is reported that 1 in 10 Americans are affected by depression. 
2. Over 80 percent of people who are clinically depressed are not receiving treatment. 
3. The number of people diagnosed with depression increases by 30 percent every year. 
4. An estimated 121 million people around the world suffer from depression. 
5. In 2013 41,149 suicides were reported, making suicide the 10th leading cause of death for Americans.
6. In 2013, someone died by suicide every 12.8 minutes.


We Need The Church

"Cast all your care on Him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7, MEV).

Here's the thing. I understand that there is importance to seeing what many would call a "professional" in the field of mental health issues, but this doesn't mean that the local church shouldn't be prioritizing leadership roles and ministry efforts to help those who deal with these issues. I understand that not all churches lack in this area, but I bet there are more who do than don't.

My wife and I have met with and counseled dozens of young people over the past year. All shared with us the brutal battle that is taking place within their souls. Suicide attempts, cutting, depression, and anxiety are just the beginning of what these young people were facing.

We NEED the church to step up in its efforts to be more vocal in regards to mental illness. Whether that is through a sermon series, free resources, creating non-profits or even a cultivating a designated year-long ministry. Regardless, the church should be on the front lines of this battle. People need a safe place where they can be honest and transparent with what they are going through.

There is nothing wrong with admitting you are depressed, cutting, have attempted suicide or are even contemplating it. There is nothing wrong with seeking medical attention and being prescribed medication to help you along the journey. And, there is nothing wrong with admitting you need help. 

A Few Resources

1. Heart Support.

2. My Broken Palace. 

3. To Write Love On Her Arms.

4. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, anxiety or has even thought of suicide, please give them the resources above and do not wait another minute.

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below.

Jarrid Wilson is a husband to Juli, dad to Finch, pastor, author, blogger, and founder of Cause Roast. He's helping people live a better story. For the original article, visit


How to Teach Your Kids to Be Thankful

You can instill an attitude of thankfulness in your children. (ECWA Archive)
As I'm writing this, it's a week before Thanksgiving, but I already have my turkey thawing in the refrigerator. My menu is simple: turkey, ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, pie. The recipes are ones I've been making for 20 years—nothing fancy here. Our table will be set like any Sunday dinner. I'll even admit I don't have one turkey decoration in our whole house.
Instead of planning for a party, my focus this month has been on my idea of nixing the entitlement attitude in our family. Yes, I'm thankful for all I have, but is it possible to take that thankfulness one step further and try to root out my entitlement attitude? I think so.
I haven't been making holiday crafts; instead I've been cleaning out my closets. Three large garbage bags of clothes have already gone to the teen moms that I support. These are nice clothes, name-brand clothes … but do I need them all? No, I don't.
I've been trying to pass down this idea to my kids too. I get on them all the time about all their wants. That's all I hear from them at the store: "I want. I want!" I don't act that way, of course, but that's because when I want something, it's easy just to put it in the cart. I'm not pouting, mostly because I have the money to enjoy that little treat. After all, what's another $2.99 going to hurt?
It hurts because I'm not modeling good stewardship to my kids. So instead of throwing things in my cart, I've been confessing my own desires. And today, instead of buying things for us, we purchased gifts for three kids through Angel Tree. My kids were so excited about their purchases … and they truly were thankful givers! (You can find out how to donate to Angel Tree here.)
In addition to taking the focus off our own wants, there are a few other things to stop entitlement and be truly thankful in my family. Some ideas are mine, and some are from Facebook friends!
1. Teach cooperation. The reality of life is that we often have to cooperate with others. We are not the center of our world. The family who works together at home raises children who know how to do that through life.
2. Teach the value of money. Teaching kids to bargain shop helps them to understand the value of money. From the time our kids were small, we only shopped in stores we could afford, and even then we went straight to the clearance racks. We also shop at yard sales and secondhand stores. When shopping, give your older kids a set amount of money to manage. If they only want one pair of designer jeans instead of four generic pairs, that's a decision he or she will have to live with.
Guide teens to consider the less fortunate. "I use sites like the Girl Effect and World Vision to teach the teens in my life about poverty," says Alyson, mother of two. When teens understand poverty, they also know how much they have and grow generous hearts. Our daughter Leslie, now 22 years old, started sponsoring a child when she was 14 and has been faithful to give.
3. Be available. "If you're going to hold back from things we consider 'entitlement,' filling in the gap is important," says Jennifer, mother of three. "If you can't get them a car, then provide your teens with the security that you will help [them] get where they need to be and be open to picking up friends. If you can't buy designer clothes, help them pick up a few nice pieces and put outfits together." Show your teens that you are available and that you are all part of a team.
4. Encourage positive friendships. "My daughter is 16 years old, and she has no cell phone, no car, no designer clothes," says Diane, mother of two. "One of the biggest helps in this area has been choosing friends wisely. Since most of the kids in her 'peer group' are from like-minded families, we've been able to avoid a lot of those issues."
How about you? Have you thought about how to be truly thankful by cutting out entitlement in your family? It's great to be thankful this time of year … but it takes work to live it out day to day!
Editor's Note: This story was original published in November 2013.
Tricia Goyer has written more than 35 books, including both novels that delight and entertain readers and nonfiction titles that offer encouragement and hope. She has also published more than 500 articles in national publications such as Guideposts, Thriving Family, Proverbs 31, and HomeLife Magazine.


Newborn baby found in nativity scene at New York City church


A newborn baby who still had his umbilical cord attached was found in a nativity scene at a Queens church on Monday.

The infant was abandoned at Holy Child Jesus Church in Richmond Hill and was discovered by a custodian around noon, according to police sources.

“The baby was found in the creche, a sort of manger scene where we would put the baby Jesus during Christmastime,” recalled the Rev. Christopher Heanue.

“The church is considered a safe haven for dropoffs,” he explained Tuesday. “The baby was brand new. He still had the umbilical cord attached. It’s a beautiful baby boy.”

Newborn baby found in nativity scene at Holy Child Jesus Church in Richmond Hill
The abandoned baby found in the manger at Holy Child Jesus Church in Richmond Hill.
Photo: Christopher Ryan Heanue

The child was later taken to Jamaica Hospital, sources said.

Surveillance video from Holy Child shows a woman walking inside with a baby in her arms and then shows her leaving without it.

The custodian who found the child left the church for about an hour and had heard him crying when he returned, according to sources.

“There are families within the parish who have inquired as to adopting the baby already,” Heanue said. “They feel that he was left in the parish and should stay in the parish.”

New York Post